You have a powerful resource that can make a real difference in your financial success—and chances are, you aren’t taking full advantage.
Discover the benefits of Personal Banking.
You have a powerful resource just waiting for you — an M&T Relationship Banker. This relationship can be particularly helpful when it comes to managing your money – you want to work with a bank who knows you and understands your goals. But more than that, you want a banker and team who have the experience to see you through your journey, with tried-and-true ways to achieve your financial goals.
Have you talked to your Relationship Banker about meeting your financial goals for this year?
If you haven’t already, it’s a great idea to set up a financial plan to help you meet your financial goals. Having a plan can help you get where you’re going – whether your goal is a new house, providing for your child’s education, retiring when you’re ready or even taking the vacation you’ve always wanted. The products, services and experienced professionals at your bank can help you review – and stick to – your plan.
Like any good plan, it’s always a work in progress, requiring regular attention and adjustments. It needs to be monitored so you know if you’re on track, which is why it’s a really good idea to make reviewing your plan a scheduled calendar event – at least twice a year, if not once a quarter.
This is the perfect time of year to schedule that review with your M&T Relationship Banker, well before the busy holiday season and in plenty of time to adjust your plan to help you meet your end-of-year goals.
Important Considerations
In revisiting your financial goals, you need to consider anything that’s changed over time:
- What do you need to do to make sure you can meet your annual goals?
- Are there additional goals that you would like to meet?
- Do you need to reconsider or adjust your existing goals?
- Are there additional bank services you can take advantage of to help you with your plan and goals?
Are your current bank accounts still the right ones for you?
As part of your regular reviews, it’s important to take a look at your accounts to make sure they’re still a good fit. For example, if you have children, you may be interested in moving money from a regular savings account to a specific education savings account. Or you might be considering retirement in a few years. Do you need to adjust your savings or investment accounts so you can retire when you’re ready?
M&T’s Relationship Bankers can work with you to make sure you have the accounts and financial tools that will help support your goals today and in the future.
Putting Your Bank’s Services to Work for You
Having financial information at your fingertips, being able to make payments whenever you need to, and setting up automatic savings can help you stay on track. These are all tools that are available to you.
- Save time with Mobile Banking: The M&T Mobile Banking app makes it easy to access to your M&T checking, savings, investments, mortgage and credit card accounts when you’re on the go. You can check balances, review your transactions, deposit checks, and send payments wherever and whenever it’s convenient for you.
- Save money automatically: Some accounts are designed to make it easier to save. For example, with M&T Easy Save, you can set up automatic transfers from your checking to your savings account at regular intervals, based on your budget and your savings goals. It’s a great way to set money aside so you’re prepared for unforeseen expenses, like car repairs or medical bills.
Experienced guidance is as close as your nearest M&T branch.
M&T’s Relationship Bankers are highly knowledgeable about which M&T products and services can help you meet your goals. They take the time to get to know you and find out what’s important to you so they can help you get there. They may even be able to help you accelerate your progress.
So take a minute to schedule an appointment with your Relationship Banker today to talk about your financial goals for this year – and the years ahead. Or you can always stop by your local M&T branch.
This content is for informational purposes only. It is not designed or intended to provide financial, tax, legal, investment, accounting, or other professional advice since such advice always requires consideration of individual circumstances. Please consult with the professionals of your choice to discuss your situation.